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What costs are involved with Marketplace?

There are no costs associated with the Marketplace product – both onboarding and product distribution are free of charge. Therefore, you can start distributing the catalyst products without any initial capital outlay.  

The Marketplace product works on a Revenue Share pricing model, with both parties (Clickatell and the Client) sharing the revenue made from distributing the products. For every product distributed, there is a Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) Clickatell receives from the vendor for facilitating the transaction (this rate varies by vendor). This MDR is usually a percentage of the value of the product being distributed. Clickatell shares the MDR with you based on the agreed revenue share percentage.  

Our simplified reconciliation and settlement process makes it easy for you to determine how much you are earning daily from the products you are distributing. We provide you with a daily settlement file that includes detailed information about each processed transaction that you can use for your internal reconciliation processes. Payments will then be made to Clickatell based on the amount provided in the file and email.

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