Help Center
What are the eligibility requirements for a WhatsApp Business account?
The WhatsApp for Business solution is best suited for medium to large businesses to use for customer notifications or for improved customer service.
The two main factors that WhatsApp takes into consideration are your business industry and the types of message content you intend to send on the network.
The following industries and types of content are not allowed on the WhatsApp network:
Independent software vendors
Software services
Real cash gaming (gambling)
Adult content
Alcohol/tobacco/drug-related products (including pharmaceuticals)
Healthcare products/supplements
Other categories not conforming to WhatsApp or Facebook's commerce and community standards
The WhatsApp Commerce Policy provides a complete list of what is allowed and supported on the network. When you apply to use WhatsApp for your business, you’re agreeing to adhere to this policy.
Types of messages
Customer Support – Messages initiated by the customer to request information, start a conversation with your brand, or make a purchase. Examples include customer questions, invoice requests, product purchases, logging returns, and more.
Customer notifications – Messages initiated by your business to improve the customer experience. For example, order confirmation, delivery status updates, payment reminders, and more.
Note: Marketing and promotional messages are NOT permitted on the WhatsApp API.
Implementation capability
Once approved by WhatsApp, you will need the development resources to integrate your application with Clickatell’s multi-channel One API in order to send and receive WhatsApp messages. Find out more about how One API works and the technical capabilities required here.
Information you’ll need to provide during the application process
When you’re applying to use Clickatell's WhatsApp solution, you’ll need to provide information that you can prepare beforehand in order to speed up the process.
Company name and valid website URL – Your website should provide a clear description of your business and products. Facebook page URLs are not accepted.
Industry and product/service details – A description of how you’ll be using the business solution and what industry your business operates in.
Facebook Business Manager ID – Your Business Manager account will be used by WhatsApp to identify your business and to associate your phone numbers with your business. Here’s how you can find your Facebook Business Manager ID or create a new one if you don’t have a Facebook Business Manager account yet.
Company headquarters location – Select the country where your business' headquarters is situated
Approval of Clickatell to send messages for you – You’ll need to approve Clickatell within Facebook Business to send messages via WhatsApp on your behalf. You’ll receive the request to approve Clickatell within your Facebook Business Manager account as soon as we load your application on the WhatsApp system. To approve:
Log in to your Facebook Business Manager account and navigate to Business Settings, then click on Requests.
You’ll find our request in the Received requests tab – click on Approve.
Other resources
Contact support
Contact our support team and one of our agents will be in touch with you to answer any questions you have.
Developer docs
Access the latest technical information regarding Clickatell’s channels, products and APIs.