
Just launched: Local two-way messaging in booming Malaysian market

2Way messaging in Malaysia

Huge opportunity to reach Malaysian consumers

It’s safe to say that Malaysians are a cellphone crazy nation – mobile phones (30,379,000) far outnumber the population (28,250,000)! For every 100 Malaysian citizens, there are 143.8 phones waiting to light up with your SMS message. That’s more mobile phones than Australia and New Zealand have combined.

According to Vserv, the number of smartphone users is estimated to reach 11 million during 2016. But what about the other 50% of the population who still use feature phones? SMS is one of the best ways to reach customers using feature phones. With its 98% open rate, SMS still matters hugely. And, in a country like Malaysia where mobile internet is slow and internet usage costs are high, SMS remains an undoubtedly good choice of communication. What’s more, with two-way SMS messaging, you can also receive replies from your customers.

How two-way messaging works

Two-way messaging works with a short code or long number that enables customers to reply to your SMS. Cheaper to use than short codes, long numbers are usually the length of a standard local mobile number.

You are probably well aware of SMS being used for alerts such as when a delivery is on its way or for an OTP (one-time password). However, many Malaysian companies and institutions are using SMS to hear back from their customers.

Get customer feedback with SMS surveys: This is an easy way for a customer to rate a product or service by simply giving it a score out of 5, or replying YES/NO if they would use a service again. Bear in mind that you are not paying for incoming messages, so local two-way numbers are a very cost-effective option.

Competitions: Invite customers to enter a competition by replying with their name and phone number.

Lead generation: SMS is a popular way for financial institutions to encourage customers to reply to an SMS to get a quote for insurance or a loan, or to request a callback.

Test our two-way delivery in Malaysia now

With such a large audience of mobile users to reach in Malaysia, your next step really should be to find out more about Clickatell’s 2-way SMS service in Malaysia now. Chat to our expert sales consultants who will be able to help you set up your two-way messaging in Malaysia today.

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