10 July 2009

Clickatell’s text messaging connects thousands around the world during live Obama Cairo speech

Read Time: 3 minutes

The US State Department's initiative to connect people abroad during President Obama's speech from Cairo via Clickatell SMS was a huge success. With the help of Clickatell, the US Department of State built a website on http://www.america.gov/ to register people wanting to receive SMS message highlights from President Obama's speech from Cairo on June 4, 2009. Thousands of people representing more than 150 countries opted-in to the first-of-its-kind SMS campaign, meeting the goals of the US State Department to create open, two-way mobile communications from global audiences - in essence, creating a "Mobile Town Hall Without Borders."

Specifically for this event, Clickatell set up unique mobile routing and tapped into its own existing complex network infrastructure capable of reaching more than 775 mobile operators in over 220 countries around the world. Clickatell worked closely with the US State Department to build the online website and registration process to offer opt-in services for global citizens wanting to participate during the live speech. The service received registrations from thousands of people representing more than 150 countries in four languages, including English, Persian, Urdu, and Arabic. Comments directly from those having signed up to receive SMS speech highlights have been posted to the website at http://www.america.gov/sms-comments.html.

"We applaud Clickatell for its 'herculean effort' to make this unique event happen; the Clickatell team was efficient, experienced, knowledgeable and professional," said officials at the US Department of State responsible for the program.

Sampling of direct SMS comments from people around the world:

The success of the Obama Cairo Speech campaign was made instantly apparent during the successful 'live' speech excerpt delivery via SMS to enrolled participants. In addition, participants from around the world replied back with their speech comments immediately. SMS-reply messages from enrolled participants with comments were received by Clickatell and immediately posted on the website of the US State Department. Below are samples of various comments made available on http://www.america.gov/sms-comments.html:

"Thank you so much Mr. President, this is the greatest speech I have ever heard it is very inspiring, he was reaching out and we should not fail him, the speech make my tears fall, thank you." - Saudi Arabia

"Many thanks for your excellent service. Can I get the sound of this speech?" - Iraq

"Thanks for the fantastic quotes from Obama mesmerizing speech ..." - Egypt

"Good evening! Thanks for an sms of Obama speech. In my opinion its good speech if he will take it into action, especial to solve the problems of the Middle-East." - Tanzania

"Thanks for your nice services." - Bahrain

"I appreciate Mr. President's support to the dialogue among communities. It is an effective way to solve the problems including Palestine and Kashmir and bring peace in the world." - Pakistan

"The great thing about SMS is that everyone carries a cell phone in their pocket, purse or backpack at all times and everyone knows how to text - which is now being used more than voice calling on the mobile. Think back to only one year ago - people thought that text was just for kids. Now, this type of text service and many others proves that SMS can open new doors and possibilities to increase effective communications around the world," said Chuck Drake, Clickatell EVP of Marketing. "In addition to blogging, tweeting, and other forms of social media, people in all corners of the world can take out their cell phone and be 'heard' while these events are taking place. This is just the beginning of how we'll see SMS being used for game-changing events such as these."

About Clickatell

We create a better world through technology, making commerce in chat accessible for everyone, everywhere. Consumers can now connect with brands to find goods and services, make purchases, track orders, and resolve issues with a simple text or chat. No need for cash, phone calls, in-person interactions, or apps. Founded in 2000 with now over 10,000 customers, Clickatell is powering the digital commerce transformation. Clickatell is headquartered in Silicon Valley, CA and has offices in Canada, South Africa, and Nigeria (www.clickatell.com).

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