Customer Relationship Management

10 rules for dynamic CRM in ecommerce

eCommerce CRM Strategies

Customer relationship management is one of the most critical business strategies that you can employ online these days. Along with the huge volume of information on the subject, we decided that we should post 10 important rules regarding CRM, so that you as a mobile developer can better navigate the CRM landscape. Did you know that SMS improves customer experience?

Let's get something straight from the beginning - ecommerce is no longer restricted to your website. Ecommerce happens on your mobile, on social networks and on a multitude of other platforms online. The opportunity to sell is huge, and here are the rules to do it well.

Rule 1: Synchronization matters

For a CRM system to be effective, it needs to bring together all your active channels of communication. These channels need to be synchronized via one dominant app, to give your customer a seamless experience.

Rule 2: Mobile technology is number one

Gone are the days of non-mobile, desktop strategies, now that there are more smartphones in the world than computers. Make sure that your ecommerce CRM strategies are mobile-focused.

Rule 3: Use predictive analytics

Predictive analytics uses old data to predict future customer behavior.  With transactional, social and demographic data you will be able to better understand the behavior of your users, and as a result - you will be able to build better, more user-friendly software.

Rule 4: Your company needs logical, uniform branding

Customer relationship management in ecommerce has reached the point where it is important that all of your company's various media and platforms look easily identifiable. With so many platforms, messages and communication modes your customers demand a congruent online brand identity first.

Rule 4: Listen to your marketing team

Customer relationship management in ecommerce hinges on data interpretations that your marketing team is making. Disregard these at the initial stages of development, and you are likely to end up with software that is not in line with your ideal customer base.

Rule 5: Different messages across multiple media forms

Ecommerce SMS notifications, app sign-ups, blog posts, customer service Twitter feeds - your customer expects different messages across different platforms that communicate your company message in a clear, distinct manner.

Rule 6: The total shift to online sales

When working with customer relationship management in ecommerce, it is key to note that online sales are growing faster than online shoppers. This suggests that customer retention and conversion will be more important in the future than sourcing new business.

Rule 7: The personalized customer service movement

CRM in ecommerce is assisting app developers in providing personalized customer service to their users. When an ecommerce website is specifically tailored to the needs of a single individual, conversions leap ahead!

Rule 8: Customers are already making demands

With customer relationship management in ecommerce, there has already been an outpouring of demand from customers. They want content, information, control over the buying process and consistent and engaging service. Give it to them!

Rule 9: Competition is a direct threat

Prepare for an ever-worsening competitive climate. Securing your long-term customers can mean success for your company as more people enter the ecommerce market.

Rule 10: Use SMS For customer management

SMS Improves Customer Experience

SMS improves customer experience, and with accessibility being the number 1 concern, mobile developers will want to keep it in mind as a tactic for enhancing how the customer engages with your media. Now that you know what the new rules are for dynamic customer relationship management in ecommerce, we suggest you get to work. There is a lot that needs to be done before any company can claim to offer near-perfect customer experiences.

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