
What is the future of artificial intelligence chatbots and the millennial workforce?

Chatbot future trends

Efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and automation are all the well-known benefits of artificial intelligence chatbots. But what about the lesser-known benefits that boardroom meetings seemingly skip over? One of these is the fact that chatbots and AI tend to improve the employee experience, which is often overlooked when companies implement chatbots and AI in their strategies.

While automated chatbots do bring in an immediate return on investment (ROI) in the form of cost-effectiveness and labor-saving, the number one reason why you should adopt this technology is to create fantastic experiences for both your customers and your employees.

According to a Dell Future Workforce study, the future workforce will be “more mobile and supported by an array of digital technologies… with millennials taking the global reins on the introduction and adoption of new technology,” and millennials will make up almost 75 percent of the workforce by 2020. Which begs the question, what exactly is the future of artificial intelligence chatbots and millennials?

A takeover of today’s workplace

Today’s workplace is still relatively “old school”, meaning that of the almost 700 apps and legacy software systems that businesses have available for employee communication and collaboration, very few are self-service.

Employees are finding it more and more time-consuming to navigate the maze of information stored in business to find the pieces that they need. Future technology trends such as artificial intelligence chatbots can help to make this process easier and more efficient, which is what the millennial workforce demands in today’s fast-paced world. Strict and static workflows will soon become a thing of the past in favor of more nimble, evolving, and intelligent options.

Businesses will have more capable employees

Millennials are often told they are “not capable” or do not have the right skill set needed to excel in the business world. But this could not be further from the truth. In today’s technologically advanced world, millennials are in fact the most capable employees, especially when it comes to artificial intelligence and chatbots.

Older employees will soon find themselves learning about future technology trends from their younger counterparts, and the millennial workforce will better understand how to use AI to accomplish workplace goals. Chatbots and AI offer companies a unique opportunity to drive digital transformation across all departments, offering a more unified and flexible workplace for employees to enjoy.

Artificial intelligence chatbots as personalized assistants

We all know how effective artificial intelligence chatbots are when dealing with customers, but they can also be equally as effective for a millennial workforce. This is because millennials prefer instant, real-time responsiveness and this does not stop at their shopping habits.

Chatbots can be used as personalized assistants in the workplace, as well as provide job performance coaching to employees. The future of millennials and artificial intelligence chatbots is a collaborative one. With real-time help and feedback at each stage of a task, employees will improve ten-fold and will feel that their time is valued by their company.

A more mobile workforce

A more mobile workforce might mean that your employees’ person-to-person interactions decrease in the office, but their collaboration will increase. Digital-savvy millennials will be able to communicate with their colleagues from wherever they are.

And if you use chatbot assistants as part of your internal communications, they’ll be able to work from wherever too. Having a more mobile workforce means that you have a modern workforce, one that is on the pulse of what is happening around them. Which is exactly what millennial consumers want from a brand. Again, we see that artificial intelligence and millennials will have a collaborative relationship, one that is focused on mobile technology to improve business.

Embrace the needs of modern millennials

Using chatbots to deliver a compelling employee experience takes a lot of work from a lot of departments. Which is why you’ll need to speak to the different departments and create a shared vision. The culture of today is one that encourages collaboration, and millennials embrace this on a larger scale than others.

Millennials are taking over today’s old-fashioned workplace and giving it a serious upgrade, providing more capable employees as well as employees that work better together even when they are out of the office.

The future of millennials, AI, and chatbots is bright and is evolving every day. It’s time to put stereotypes aside and embrace the change in the workforce. If you’re interested in creating a workplace that millennials will flock to, find out more about the future of artificial intelligence chatbots and how to leverage these to your advantage.

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