Mobile phones are everywhere these days. The chances are that if you’re reading this, it’s probably on your phone – not some giant desktop computer. As the Guardian reported last year, a study found that “smartphones are now responsible for a third of internet access, up from 23% in 2014”. Statistica predicts that in 2017, the number of mobile phone users will reach 4.77 billion. This naturally has a massive impact on any business but it also raises mobile security concerns.
A key concern for business is making customers’ mobile interactions uncomplicated. Whether this is through smartphone apps or simple phone calls, businesses prioritize customers’ access since this leads to a favorable standing. No one wants to be known as a company whose customers struggle to reach or obtain information.
They also don’t want to be known as the company that allows for apps that are easily hackable. Considering the data, this is of concern to every business. As major app developer Moveo notes: “All of the top 100 paid Android apps on Google Play Store had been hacked.” The stats are alarming:
73 percent of the most popular free apps on Google Play Store had been hacked.
56 percent of the top paid iOS apps on the Apple Store had been hacked.
53 percent of the most popular free iOS apps on the Apple Store had been hacked.
No one wants stats like these to continue, which means security interventions need to be put in place. The problem is mobile security and ease of access almost inherently conflict. Keeping users and their information safe usually means putting restrictions in place, reducing how freely customers can engage.
For example, it could mean anything from passwords to security checks, limiting how quickly customers can purchase a product.
Of course, customers mostly understand and have come to accept such restrictions. Indeed, many welcome these knowing what they’re for since it is the customer’s details being protected. In the same way, nobody except a thief calls a door lock restrictive, people have come to accept the limitations imposed by security in terms of mobile interactions.
Businesses need to stay up-to-date with the latest news regarding hacks and security in app development. Knowing where hackers are focusing their efforts means businesses can stay one step ahead. Case studies can also be informative, as well as proper diagnostic tools that provide solutions to possible mobile security issues.
Knowledge of devices also matters. Businesses must have an understanding of what types of phones tend to interact with them and their sites the most. Security isn’t merely a software problem after all, but a hardware one, too.
Encourage best practice when it comes to security protocols, by – for example – teaching customers about two-factor authentication. Informing customers why interventions are in place puts their mind at ease and when it occurs, they view security as a locked door rather than an impenetrable barrier.
Mobile security doesn’t always have to be difficult. As we’ve indicated before, we can use SMS to enhance mobile security – providing a convenient and safe mechanism customers already use all the time. Mobile security is important since the world itself has become a mobile one. Businesses must think carefully and look ahead at what mobile security means for them and their customers.
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