Information Security

Skills shortages in Information Security: What does it mean for cybersecurity threats?

Corporate information security skills shortage

Information Security is experiencing a worker shortage which could result in extreme challenges in the protection of data across platforms such as cloud-based services, mobile devices, big data, and the internet of things. Cybersecurity threats will increase due to this worker shortage, which could be disastrous for any companies that deal with sensitive information.

How to overcome these shortages

Overcoming the information security skills shortage requires a strategic mind and an innovative way of thinking. Below are some of the ways you can combat this threat to the security of your data.

Know your risk

You should hopefully be at the level where you know that cybercrime and cybersecurity threats are a real danger to both businesses and clients alike. In order to make an informed decision on where resources are most needed, you must define which areas of your business are at risk and prioritize these areas.

You can enlist the help of an external expert to ascertain these risks. Risk and security management needs to be high priorities for any business, especially in such uncertain times. You will need to consider your current risk exposure in order to be prepared to act when a security breach occurs.

Develop a strategy

If you have an IT department in your company, they will most likely be well-versed in at least the basics of information technology and information security. Your strategy should include extra training for this department in information security, as well as in communication, compliance, analytics, and business practices.

An effective technological element you could introduce as part of your data protection strategy is SMS for two-factor authentication. This method works with a user’s mobile phone, wherein a user receives a randomly generated four or six-digit one-time-PIN (OTP), which they then enter onto the webpage they are trying to access. SMS for two-factor authentication is one of the most popular ways that financial institutions and online retail stores use to ensure data security for their clients.

Delegate IT tasks

The IT department is more often than not, one of the busiest and most overworked departments in many companies. Too many IT professionals are overloaded with unimportant work during the day, which can take their time away from trying to decrease the company's risk of cybersecurity threats.

If you have enough IT staff, you should delegate the work between them, possibly on a skills-level basis where the most skilled are given important tasks and work down from there. There is also the possibility of outsourcing information security work to an outside security company or even simple task automation. Once you have lessened the load on your IT department, you will be able to offer training to those who need it.

Educate other employees on risks

Your IT staff are already well-versed in the risks that come with working and playing on the internet. But your other employees may not be so aware. Educate your other employees on how to operate securely on the internet by not opening phishing emails, to not download software without permission, and to create strong passwords and change them regularly.

Due to the skills shortage, your employees need to be even more alert and aware online. Be sure to ask them not to perform online banking on a work computer and insist that ad blocking extensions and anti-virus software are installed on their work computers. If you are working in the Cloud, be sure that no harmful links or software is shared.

Look for technology with advanced analytics

Including advanced analytics in your security strategy will allow you to be forewarned of any possible threats. Think of artificial intelligence and machine learning as added extras to whatever processes you may already have in place.

AI technology is used to look for indicators of compromise across your business network, both on the premises and in the Cloud. AI and machine learning will also allow your IT staff to work more productively and perform the important human-led tasks that go alongside information security. Technology is always evolving and including this in your cybersecurity measures will improve your chance of avoiding cybersecurity threats.

Be prepared for cybersecurity threats

Information security skills may be lacking at the moment but if you employ the correct strategies and prepare your company for any risks, you will be able to overcome any serious issues. If you are interested in improving your chances against cybersecurity threats, read on for further information.

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